N. Shybeko, L. Gelis, T. Rusak, Yu. Belinskaya
S o far, surgical interventions with artificial circulation remain the most effective treatment method providing favorable long-term outcomes, prognosis and quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Therefore, the main issue of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons is the prognosis of functional recovery of the left ventricle after revascularization, as the treatment strategy is determined by the risk assessment of surgical mortality and perioperative complications. In order to detect hibernating myocardium, we performed a prospective study including 57 patients with CHD and upcoming coronary bypass grafting, mitral valve plasty or prosthesis. All patients underwent stress magnetic resonance imaging, which allowed noninvasive assessment of both structural and functional changes, as well as determination of myocardial functional reserve. The obtained data will allow us to objectively assess the surgical risk during cardiac surgical interventions, which is very important for the prevention of life-threatening cardiovascular complications, as well as increasing the efficiency of surgical treatment in patients with CHD.
keywords: coronary heart disease, hibernating myocardium, coronary bypass grafting.
for references: N. Shybeko, L. Gelis, T. Rusak, Yu. Belinskaya. Effect of hibernating myocardium on postischemic left ventricular dysfunction after surgical coronary reperfusion. Part 1. Neotlozhnaya kardiologiya i kardiovaskulyarnye riski [Emergency cardiology and cardiovascular risks], 2023, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1845–1851.
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