D. Ruzanov, I. Malakhova, A. Semyonov, V. Pisarik
N on-communicable diseases have become a global challenge in recent years, and their prevalence is significantly affecting countries worldwide, including the Republic of Belarus. These diseases are influenced by various factors such as behavior, genetics, environment, and social conditions, all of which contribute to the increased likelihood of disease development, progression, and unfavorable outcomes. Risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases include smoking, alcohol abuse, and excessive consumption of salt and sugar. In Belarus, there is a high prevalence of these risk factors, leading to increased morbidity, disability, and mortality rates. Therefore, it is crucial to address the prevention and mitigation of the impact of these risk factors on the human body. A modern approach to tackling non-communicable diseases involves the prevention and control
of these risk factors.
The purpose of this study is to establish and develop the key principles of a concept for reducing harm caused by specific risk factors of non-communicable diseases, such as tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, and excessive salt and sugar consumption. This concept will serve as the foundation for the national public health policy of the Republic of Belarus. The justification for developing a harm reduction concept stems from assessing the consequences of the high prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and their associated risk factors in Belarus. Furthermore, the study considers global theoretical frameworks, scientific debates on harm reduction, and analysis of successful practices implemented in other countries.
We have developed the key provisions of the Harm Reduction Concept and outlined its prospects for subsequent inclusion in the state program “People’s Health and Demographic Security.” Additionally, we have formulated recommendations for regulators based on regulatory differentiation.
keywords: risk factors, harm reduction concept, smoking, alcohol abuse, excessive consumption of salt and sugar, alternative products.
for references: D. Ruzanov, I. Malakhova, A. Semyonov, V. Pisarik. The concept of harm reduction from non-communicable disease risk factors as the basis of the national public health policy of the Republic of Belarus. Neotlozhnaya kardiologiya i kardiovaskulyarnye riski [Emergency cardiology and cardiovascular risks], 2023, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1885–1891.
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