A man must cling to the belief that the incomprehensible is comprehensible; otherwise he would not try to fathom it.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe


It is a great honor for me to address you from the pages of the new scientific and practical journal 'Emergency Cardiology and Cardiovascular Risks.' The title of the journal corresponds to the main direction of research and practical activities of the Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases of Belarusian State Medical University.

The multifaceted professional activities of the Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases are aimed at the use of innovative technologies to counteract the progression of cardiovascular pathology. Over the past 9 years the staff of the department organized and held more than 50 republican and city scientific and practical conferences with international participation, edited several collections of scientific papers of the University staff as well as colleagues from the CIS and other foreign countries. The publication of the journal became a logical continuation of the active position of Belarusian State Medical University in strengthening international cooperation and promoting the achievements of medical science.

Diagnosis, adequate treatment and prevention of emergency conditions in cardiology require high professionalism of the doctor, the ability to find and understand the essence, to make the right choice of organizational, therapeutic, interventional and cardiosurgical tactics, especially against the background of comorbid conditions that repeatedly exacerbate the prognosis of the underlying disease. The opportunity to get acquainted with modern scientific and practical approaches to managing emergency conditions, to discuss the results of scientific research focused on cardiovascular problems forms profound professional thinking and the need for continuing self-improvement.

Chief Editor,
Head of the Department of Cardiology and
Internal Diseases, BSMU
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.P. Mitkovskaya