The presented requirements for scientific articles are based on the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals' of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Articles that meet the following criteria may be submitted for consideration:
The journal “Neotlozhnaya kardiologiya i kardiovaskulyarnye riski” (“Emergency Cardiology and Cardiovascular Risks”) accepts the following types of articles: original articles, reviews, interesting case reports, teaching articles and other.
Authors are encouraged to use the following checklists and charts developed by international health organizations (EQUATOR, Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research) when preparing original articles and other materials: “CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomizes trial”, “The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies”, “PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)”, “The CARE Guidelines: Consensus-based Clinical Case Reporting Guideline Development”, “SRQR (Standards for reporting qualitative research)”, “STARD 2015: An Updated List of Essential Items for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies”.
Before submitting the article for consideration, make sure that the file(s) contains all the necessary information, the sources of the information in the figures and tables are indicated, all citations are properly formatted.
One сору of the manuscript and signed accompanying documents (letters from the institution with the head's approval, cover letter) should be sent to the editorial board by mail. It is obligatory to send an electronic version of the article, graphic materials and digital copies (scans) of accompanying documents to the e-mail address of the journal -
Articles are accepted by the editorial board with a referral letter having the head's signature of the institution (see the example of the referral letter on the journal's website).
While submitting a manuscript to the editorial board of the journal the cover letter from authors must be included, where the following points should be reflected (see the example of a cover letter on the journal's website):
Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements are not accepted by the editorial board and the authors are informed about this decision. Correspondence with authors is carried out only by e-mail
Materials for publication should be sent to:
The journal “Neotlozhnaya kardiologiya i kardiovaskulyarnye riski”, ul. Leningradskaya, 6, kabinet 2, Minsk, 220006, Republic of Belarus
Contact phone number: +375173285892
The article must be created using the Microsoft Word text editor of any version and have the following formatting:
Width of the left/upper/bottom/right margin is 3 cm/2.5 cm/2.5 cm/1 cm.
Font– Times New Roman, 12 points.
Line spacing – 1,5.
Paragraph indent – 1.25 cm
Font color – black
Orientation - portrait
Hyphenation – none
Alignment – justify
Headings and subheadings are started on a new line and typed in bold with left alignment without dot at the end. 1,25 cm paragraph indentation is left before the headings. Other formatting is not allowed in the text of the article.
The article should have the following structure:
1. The initials and last names of the authors
2. Title of the article.
3. Full name of the institutions in which the authors work, indicating the city and country (superscript Arabic numerals indicate the correspondence of the institutions)
4. An abstract in English (1800 to 2500 characters with spaces for original articles, at least 1000 characters for reviews and case reports) should be a brief summary of a large scientific work. It can be published independently from the main text, therefore, it should be understandable without reference to the publication itself. In terms of structure, it is advisable to repeat the sections of the article (for an original articles: purpose, methods, results, conclusion). The text of the abstract should be concise and clear, free of secondary information, superfluous introductory words, and general formulations. The abstract should not contain references to literature. No abbreviations or acronyms other than the commonly used ones should be used. The results of the work are described very accurately and informative. The abstract should contain main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, the relationships and patterns that have been found. Preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance. Conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article.
5. Keywords - a set of words that reflect the content of the text in terms of the object, scientific field and research methods; the recommended number of keywords - 5-10.
6. The main text of the article. Depending on the type of manuscript, the structure of the full text may vary. The volume of article including figures, tables, references and abstracts in original articles and case reports should not exceed 30 thousand characters with spaces, in reviews and teaching articles - 45 thousand characters with spaces. Word abbreviations are not allowed except for common abbreviations of chemical and mathematical quantities, measures, terms. The SI system should be used in the articles.
6.1 Original articles
Original articles contain the results of original research.
6.2 Review article
The purpose of a review article is to discuss the accumulated material and present the author's new view of previously described phenomena, rethinking, and searching for new approaches to their interpretation, rather than simply listing the facts and stating the current state of the issue.
Obligatory sections of a review article:
1 - you should provide information about the sources of sponsorship in the form of grants, equipment, medicines.
2 - “conflict of interest” refers to the conditions under which people have conflicting or competing interests that can influence an editorial decision. Conflicts of interest can be potential, perceived, and real. Personal, political, financial, scientific, or religious factors may affect objectivity. The author must notify the editor of a real or potential conflict of interest by including information about the conflict of interest in the appropriate section of the article. If there is no conflict of interest the author must also declare it. Sample wording: “The team of authors declares that there is no conflict of interest”.
3 - in the Acknowledgements section, acknowledgements are given to people who participated in the work on the article, but who are not the authors. Participation in the work on the article implies: recommendations to improve the research, providing space for research, departmental control, receiving financial support, single types of analysis, providing reagents/patients/animals/other materials for the research.
7. References (number of sources should be 25 or less for an original article and 50 or less for reviews) should be compiled according to the Harvard standard (Harvard reference system). Citations in text should be indicated by a number in square brackets (e.g., [1]). References to unpublished works are not allowed. References on sources in Russian should have following structure: authors (transliteration), title of the article in transliterated version [translation of article title into English in square brackets], title of the Russian-language source (transliteration) [translation of source title into English], output data with designations in English. Transliteration of Russian-language titles is performed according to the BSI standard. Examples of formatting of the reference list are listed below.
References to books:
References to journal articles:
References to articles from collection of articles:
Reference to a thesis or dissertation
Reference to patents
The section is provided at the end of the article and should contain the following information:
All tables should have a numbered header and clearly marked columns that are easy to read and understand. Table data should correspond to the data in the text but should not duplicate the information presented in it. References to tables in the text are obligatory.
Tables are numbered by arabic numerals in the order of the text. If there is only one table in the text then it is not numbered. The title of the table includes the table number and its name. Alignment of the title – “Left Align”. Title formatting example: Table 1. Scale of risk factors. No dot after the title is required.
Notes to the table are in the same font style and size as the main text (Times New Roman, 12 points), Alignment – “Justify”. Note is placed under the table and must contain the explanation of used abbreviations and other information which is necessary for the interpretation of the data presented in the table.
Each figure must be accompanied by a numbered title. References to figures in the text are mandatory.
Figures are numbered by arabic numerals in the order of the text. If there is only one figure in the text then it is not numbered. The title includes the number and the name of the figure. Alignment of the title – “Center Align”. Title formatting example: 'Figure 1. Normal electrocardiogram'. No dot after the figure title is required. A note to the figure should be in the same font style and size as the main text (Times New Roman, 12 points), Alignment – “Justify”, placed under the figure title and must contain the explanation of used abbreviations and other information which is necessary for the interpretation of the data presented in the figures.
Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, schemes, drawings) drawn with MS Office tools should be contrast and clear. Illustrations should be made in a separate file and saved as an image (in *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif format), and then placed in the manuscript file as a fixed figure. It is unacceptable to put any elements (arrows, captions) over the figure inserted in the manuscript file by means of MS WORD due to the great risk of their loss at the stages of editing and layout.
Photographs, screenshots, and other non-drawn illustrations should not only be inserted in the text of the manuscript but also uploaded separately as *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif files (*.doc and *.docx - in case additional marks are put on the image). The resolution of the image should be >300 dpi. The image files should be given a name corresponding to the number of the figure in the text.
Authors must acknowledge the following items to submit an article. The manuscript may be returned to the authors if it does not match them:
Manuscripts of all scientific articles submitted to the editors are subject to mandatory review by two independent experts. Review is carried out by the scientists who are recognized experts in the field of reviewed materials and work in the field of knowledge to which the content of the manuscript belongs and who have had publications on the subject of the article under review over the last three years.
The author, supervisor of a scientific degree scholar or coauthors of the reviewed work cannot be reviewers. The review of a scientific article is issued in accordance with the Memo to the reviewer of scientific articles and materials submitted to the journal “Emergency Cardiology and Cardiovascular Risks”.
Manuscripts are not considered for publication in case they do not meet the “Rules for Authors” which are published for convenience in the journal and its electronic version.
The editor informs the author about the review result by providing a copy of the review. The review contains recommendations for publication, correction and improvement of the article or a reasonable refusal. The author of the manuscript may take into account the recommendations when preparing a new version of the article or reasonably refute them. Articles refined by the author are resubmitted for review by a reviewer who made critical comments. The incoming date is considered to be the date of the refined article submission. If the author disagrees with the reviewer's comments, he may apply for a second review engaging a third expert or withdraw the article.
Articles and article reviews are discussed at the meeting of the editorial board, which serves as a basis to accept or reject an article. The decision of the editorial board is registered in by the protocol.
The order and priority of publications are determined depending on the volume of published materials and the list of subdivisions in a particular issue.
The editorial board does not guarantee the publication of all submitted materials. The article will not be accepted for consideration if it has been published or sent to other journals, the authors have not provided their complete personal data or the article does not meet the “Rules for Authors”. The editors reserve the right to edit the article without notifying the authors.
The final decision on the expediency of publications after their reviewing is made by the editorial board.
manuscripts, representing significant plagiarism due to copying data or conclusions from another author’s research without proper citation/reference (according to the recommendations of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)); resubmission of the publication under the name of another author (in the original language or in translation); verbatim copying of more than 100 words from another (including his own) publication in the absence of a properly arranged quotation; unpublished borrowings of previously published ideas or hypotheses of other authors, and/or those that have not been tested by the “Anti-plagiarism” Automatic Text Checking System for borrowing from publicly available information sources.
the editorial board informs the experts and the author(s) of the material in writing about the initiation of the editorial investigation and its expected timeframe (2 months). Based on the results of the editorial investigation, a written statement is drawn up (stored in the editorial office), copies of which are provided to the person who discovered the fact of plagiarism and the author(s) about the decision made and the undertaken actions.
In case of insignificant plagiarism the editors of the journal must notify the author about the fact of plagiarism and obtain written explanations. If a violation by the author is qualified as unintentional, confine to a reprimand and sending a message about the inappropriateness of repeated cases. A revised manuscript with references to all original sources of borrowing may be published.
Manuscripts and electronic versions of both published and unpublished materials are not returned.
Reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years.
ISSN 2616-633X
Publishing semi-annual
Articles in Russian. Summaries in English
Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220116
Tel: +375 17 277-12-01.
Fax: +375 17 277-12-02
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Natalya P. Mitkovskaya, MD, PhD. Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Belarus
Executive Secretary: Ekaterina B. Petrova, PhD Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Belarus
Executive Editorial Office Secretary: Olga V. Laskina. Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Belarus
Chairman of the editorial board: Rudenok V.V., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Gelis L.G., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Grigorenko E.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Gubkin S.V., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Danilova L.I., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Dzjadz`ko A.M., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Karpov I.A., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kozlovkij V.i., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Kopitov A.V., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Medvedeva E.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Ostrovskij A.Yu., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Pavlova O.S., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Petrova M.N., PhD in Philological sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Pristrom A.M., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Rudenko E.V., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Ruzanov D.Yu., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Gomel, Belarus)
Salivonchik D.P., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Gomel, Belarus)
Sidorovich E. K., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Sikorskiy A.V., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Sudzhaeva O.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Uss A.L., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Tsapaeva N.L., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Yanushko A.V., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Grodno, Belarus)
(International Consultative Committee)
Chairman of the Advisory Editorial Board: Ostrovskij Ju.P., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Abel`skaya I.S., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Azimferey Leonhard, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Tîrgu Mureș, Romania)
Arutjunov G.P., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Bedel'baeva G.G., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Beljaeva L.N., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Vismont F.I., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences o Belarus , Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Dzhunusbekova G.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Drapkina O.M., Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences , Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Dudarenko S.V., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Kibira Satoshi, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Akita, Japan)
Koziolova N.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Perm, Russian Federation)
Kostjuk William, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (London, Canada)
Krasnyj S.A., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kul'chickij V.A., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Khryshchanovich V.Ya., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Linn Tommi, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Stockholm, Sweden)
Mrochek A.G., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Oganov R.G., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Pershagen Joran, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Stockholm, Sweden)
Rebrov A.P., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Saratov, Russian Federation)
Rud Charls, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Berkeley, USA)
Rummo O.O., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Skugarevskij O.A., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Snezhickij V.A., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Grodno, Belarus)
Tiffi Patrik, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (London, Canada)
Tret'jak S.I., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Fedoruk A.M., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Hirmanov V.N., Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Professor (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Zhebentyayev A.I., Grand PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Tsarenkov V.M., Grand PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Khishova O.M., Grand PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Balysh E. M., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Gerasimenok D.S., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kononchuk N.B., (Minsk, Belarus)
Korzhenevskaia Iu.V., (Minsk, Belarus)
Mazanik Ju.N., (Minsk, Belarus)
Martusevich N.A., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Pinchuk A.V., Master of Pharmacological sciences (Minsk, Belarus)
Pleshko A.A., (Minsk, Belarus)
Pyko A.A., PhD in Medical sciences (Minsk, Belarus)
Rachok L.V., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Rustamov M.N., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Sachnova O.I., Master of Philological sciences (Minsk, Belarus)
Statkevich T.V., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Shibeko N.A., PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Zhuk L.I., Editor (Minsk, Belarus)